Enjoy 5% discount on your next hotel booking in the destination of your choice with promo code: QRHHOT10. Travel dates are open, no blackouts are applicable!
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Terms and conditions
5% discount on hotel bookings
Promo code: QRHHOT10 will give 5% discount on hotel-only bookings from Qatar Airways Holidays.
Promo code is applicable on bookings made online through this portal or offline from our shop in Tower 1, over the phone at +974 4144 5544 or by email to holidays@qatarairways.com.qa. Travel dates are open (no black out dates)
The discount cannot be combined with other promo codes or discount types and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions and special offers.
The 5% discount is calculated before taxes, third party fees and levies are added.
The 5% discount can be redeemed only by customers who already booked their flights with Qatar Airways.
Please check the hotel cancellation policies and our terms and conditions at the time of booking.